Friday, December 27, 2019

Safeguarding Children Essay - 4843 Words

* CHRONOLOGY * * Second Trimester * * Mother attended her community drug and alcohol team (CDAT) were she was on a methadone programme. Referral was made by her key worker stated concerns that she may be pregnant and concealing it * * Pre - birth conference was held to establish the issues surrounding the mother, her pregnancy and her parenting skills. Mother did not attend. The pre – birth conference attended by the CDAT key worker, safeguarding midwife, health visitor, GP, social worker. The pre – birth conference took place as mum was concealing her pregnancy and that she was heavily * * DAY 1 Jack was born by caesarean section because they were concerns with the Zoe. Zoe was unwell – she had a†¦show more content†¦Stated social services will apply for an inform care order 18pm * Withdrawal score 3 -4 * Second toxicology sent DAY 4 12pm * Jack started on oral morphine as second toxicology came back positive * Withdrawal score 4 -5 14pm * Advised that social worker and foster carer would visit baby * Baby social worker visited. Plan is to initiate care proceedings ASAP reasons; history of substance misuse, concealed pregnancy, poor engagement with treatment and services DAY 8 18pm * Mum visited for the first time, had a cuddle with Jack DAY 10 19pm * Mum visited twice during day, had a cuddle with jack for an hour 22pm * Midwife rang saying mum on her way to visit, left the ward 10mins ago 2230pm * Mum phoned saying unable to visit as she planned because she in too much pain DAY 11 16pm * Mum visited for 15mins, asked how baby doing, had a cuddle. Mum wasn’t very clean, smelt overwhelmingly of cigarettes. She said she got visitors coming but didn’t say who. Beware of who and who not allowed to visit DAY 12 Discussed at weekly social meeting, it was discussed how Jack was doing and the parental involvement. Mum was not engaging with the nurses, she showing very little interested in getting involved in Jack’s care. Social worker to get in contact with the named social worker t discuss where they are in the process of taking over care, and weather they found suitable foster care DAY 15Show MoreRelatedSafeguarding Children Assignment4660 Words   |  19 PagesThe specialist skills of the Health Visitor are crucially important in safeguarding children (HM Government, 2010). 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Diploma HSc Essay - 762 Words

Unit 4222-324 Support individuals with specific communication needs (HSC 3029) Outcome 1 Understand specific communication needs and factors affecting them. 1.1 It is very important for the individual to be able to communicate. They need to tell us their practical needs, emotional needs etc and to respect their rights. 1.2From my own practice I can judge if an individual is struggling to hear or understand what I am saying, if so then I will see how I can make things easier by talking slower, clearer make eye contact make sure they can see my lips move maybe sit closer but not too close to invade their own space. 1.3Features that may help or hinder communication, Environment, if the area is too noisy or busy Lighting, too†¦show more content†¦1.6 Potential effects of unmet communication needs. People who experience a gradual loss of effective communication may become increasingly withdrawn, depressed, isolated, reduced self-esteem, Frustration, felling useless and feeling angry which may turn in to violence. Some people who have not received the required support to communicate effectively may become indifferent to others. They may begin to feel there is no point in trying to express themselves, their needs or views when nobody seems to be listening or understanding. Unsupported communication needs can result in the person being denied their rights. 2.3 You need as much information as possible about the individuals communication needs to ensure that their wishes and needs are met. Talk to the individual, their family/carers, other professionals involved in their care. If aids are needed (hearing aids, picture cards, pen and paper) make sure that these are available. If language is a barrier maybe learning a few words of their language would help. If their needs change you need to adapt to the changes. Using the internet, reading books, Journals, reports and reviews are good way of obtaining information providing you know what you need. 5.1 Specialist services relating to communication technology and aids; Ability Worldltd Inclusive technology ltd Logan technologies ltd Makaton charity Sensory software international Hearing products international Singing hands Local council 5.2Show MoreRelatedHnd Subject in Nvq 51376 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Course This course will equip you with vital managerial and technical skills necessary to manage hospitality businesses. The course boasts a very high employment record for students achieving the diploma. This is a two-year course leading to the internationally recognized HND. This HND Diploma is a certification of knowledge offering a variety of employment choices in the Tourist and Hospitality Industry, specialising on careers in the Leisure and tourism sector. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Breakfest Club Essay Research Paper The free essay sample

The Breakfest Club Essay, Research Paper The Breakfast Club Theresa Puchta is really accurate in her description of the virtues and restrictions of John Hughes movies. Almost all of the features and subjects she has described in the article: suburban scene, obscure societal concerns, high school coteries, uncaring parents, characters have oning the latest manners and top 40 soundtrack music have been proven true in The Breakfast Club. The film has a suburban scene inside a high school, and the characters each belong to one of the high school coteries: monster, princess, bully, athlete and geek. At the really beginning of the film when the characters are introduced, each of them are having a thrust from one of their parents who is either excessively pushful, nescient, or uncaring. Subsequently on in the film when each of the characters portion their narratives, they all reveal that their parents supply them with an disappointing place life. We will write a custom essay sample on The Breakfest Club Essay Research Paper The or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This rings true to the subject of losing or detached parents mentioned by Theresa Puchta. Although all of the characters are clothed to accommodate their peculiar portion in the film, they have been done so based on the latest manners that certain coterie adopted at that clip. For illustration, it was in manner for athletes to have on their school s athletics jackets, for geeks to have on the cardigans and khakis, toughs to have on leather jackets, creep to have on an mixture of vesture, and the popular misss to have on the manner magazine tendencies. All of the characters are dressed in one of these ways. The soundtrack attach toing the film was created by a really popular top 40 set. The characters in this film do non truly expose societal concerns, outside of their ain. They merely address the concerns of their lives, none of society. The article was right on with these points. The biggest and most attractive characteristic of Hughes movies is the realistic duologue, critics say it is hip-just the manner teens talk. Theresa Puchta puts a small spin on that, she writes though Hughes duologue is realistic, amusing and literate-certainly several non ches above the garbage normally spoken by people in adolescent films-it s sometimes a spot excessively rich. This point brings a batch of truth. This is decidedly displayed during conversations between the five high school pupils when they try to psychologically calculate each other out. For illustration, the tough is criticized by the others as merely dissembling up the fact that he knows he doesn t truly matter to anyone, and cognizing that no affair how hard he tries he won t tantrum in. The teens slip these types of observations into their conversations so easy. Although teens do come up with profound statements it is normally after cognizing the individual good or the consequence of a certain emotion/fact that individual has made you realize. In The Breakfast Club the teens begin to analyse the toughs behaviour in the beginning of the film after disbursement merely a few proceedingss with him in detainment. Besides this nevertheless, as Theresa pointed out, the slang is really r ealistic and full of footings which adolescents used such as blazing up which means to smoke marihuana. Theresa Puchta writes that one point Hughes has in his favor is the absence of gratuitous sex-indeed, virtually any nudity-in his movies. In the same article, Hughes is quoted as stating that most of his characters are romantic instead than sexual. When love affair flowers in the film between the bully and the princess type, their buss, though in a sexual scene ( cupboard ) displays earnestness, understanding and existent fondness. This is besides the instance for the creep and the athlete. There is perfectly no nakedness in this film. As mentioned by Theresa, females get better intervention in Hughes movies than other movies. The females in this film are non depicted as sex objects, ideas, feelings and actions put away by the female characters have every bit much to make with registration of the secret plan as those put Forth by the male characters. This wraps up the descriptions of the virtues and restrictions of the movies of John Hughes, as wrote in John Hughes: The Teen Film Director As Auteur and agreed to by me, based on my personal observations throughout the movie.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Impact of Three Good Things Essay Example For Students

The Impact of Three Good Things Essay â€Å"Positive psychology is the science behind personality traits that makes it possible for individuals and societies to evolve and grow, it is a study of well-being and optimal functioning as well as human strengths. † Psychologists developed positive psychology interventions generally to help people in grow their positivity, well-being, relationships, creativity and other desirable consequences (E. g, three good things, gratitude visit and identifying signature strengths). Three good things is an intervention where participants write down three good things happening to them, or things that went well during the day, each day, for a certain time period. This method began to show positive effects about one month after the test period was over. At the one-month follow-up, participants showed more happiness and less depression than at the baseline. The participants also stayed less depressed and increased their happiness at the three-month and six-month follow-ups (Seligman, Steen, Park Peterson 2005). We will write a custom essay on The Impact of Three Good Things specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I wrote down three good things happening to me, each night, for a month. I felt that it left a huge psychological impact on me. After about a week and a half, I started to look for things to be happy about automatically, without thinking about the assignment. I started to see things from another, more positive, perspective. I will keep doing this exercise because I felt like it made me feel more grateful about the small things than before. I also started to appreciate more things, (E. g. I walked back home from school, thinking about my friends and family, it was 85 degrees in October as I was walking around this beautiful lake. It made me appreciate a little thing like that, knowing how rough and cold it is back in Sweden). I think that the well-being test will show a difference, not necessarily a huge different, because I was pretty excited when I moved here to Florida, but definitely a difference. We tend to take a lot of things for granted as we fall into daily routines and I truly believe that these interventions could be a great tool to use in the desire for true happiness. As society is becoming more and more automatic, fast paced and electronic it is really easy to focus on materialistic things such as new phones, new cars, new houses and other miscellaneous things. It makes us forget what really matters in life; people we meet, places we see, etc. We forget how lucky we are and forget to cherish the beautiful things we get to experience. I would like to recommend these interventions rather than having â€Å"sick† people eat anti-depressive prescription drugs that are addictive and dangerous. I hope that positive psychology will only grow bigger and get the recognition it deserves. The only negative implication I can think of was that I had to remember writing it down each night. But then again, is five minutes each day really too much to ask for, in order to improve your own happiness? Ask yourself.