Thursday, May 14, 2020

Comparison Of Wuthering Heights And Othello

Compare and contrast how love is explored in ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘Othello’ The theme of love is found throughout the complete history of literature and is still being explored in a vast majority of works today. It is a theme that brings strong emotions to both the characters and the audience. â€Å"Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs†, an extract from Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is one of the examples of this love throughout literature. This quote shows the negative side of love, â€Å"made with the fume of sighs† makes you think that love is produced from bad things. This is because the word â€Å"sighs† is a reaction to something unfortunate happening. Both ‘Othello’ and ‘Wuthering Heights’ show a negative side of love of the much explored theme of love. Characters driven by desire, lying just to try and catch a glimpse of love, and overall heartache – all these things are shown in the two texts. They truly show just how â€Å"love is a smoke made with the fume of sigh s†. Cathy, Heathcliff, Desdemona and Othello all go against the society expectations of the times set. â€Å"That I did love the Moor to live with him, my downright violence and storm of fortunes, may trumpet to the world. My heart’s subdued†, this shows how much Desdemona loves Othello. It shows how much Desdemona loves Othello. It shows the passionate love that she has for him, â€Å"violence and storm of fortunes† portrays the passion in her heart. The word â€Å"storm† suggests that her love for Othello is in the momentShow MoreRelatedThe Obsessive Nature Of The Love Felt By Othello, By William Shakespeare2617 Words   |  11 Pagesthree texts seem to contain a fundamental principle which acts as a barrier for ‘love’ – whether it be religiously, culturally or evolutionary. Firstly, it is difficult to identify the obsessive nature of the love felt by Othello, at the beginning of William Shakespeare’s Othello, as his love towards Desdemona could be interpreted as ‘agape’ or certainly be seen as unconditional since the couplet persistently demonstrate a meaningful, more philosophical love towards one another. When used by ChristiansRead MoreCompare and Contrast How the Main Protagonists Experience Being Outsiders Within Their Respective Societies.2198 Words   |  9 Pagesrespective societies. The experience of being outsiders is explored by William Shakespeare in ‘Othello’, Emily Bronte in ‘Wuthering Heights’ and Robert Browning in his Dramatic Monologues. Shakespeare explores the theme of alienation through a character considered an outsider by the society in which he lives in. Similarly Emily Bronte explores Heathcliff and the obstacles he faces at Wuthering Heights. Browning’s Dramatic Monologues illustrate the minds of psychotic lovers who are all possessiveRead MoreEssay Prompts4057 Words   |  17 Pages King Lear Anna Karenina Madame Bovary As I Lay Dying The Mill on the Floss The Awakening Moby-Dick Billy Budd Mrs. Dalloway Bleak House Native Son Bless Me,Ultima One Hundred Years of Solitude Catch-22 Othello Crime and Punishment The Scarlet Letter The Crucible Slaughterhouse-Five A Farewell to Arms Song of Solomon Ghosts The Stone Angel The Great Gatsby The Stranger Heart of Darkness A Tale of Two Cities The House of

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